• When WOR ended Rambling with Gambling in 2000 after 75 years on the air, John R. Gambling moved up the dial to WABC, taking over the post-morning-drive 10 am – noon slot. Gambling was fired by WABC on February 29, 2008 in a cost-cutting move.
  • We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us.
  • John asked me to come on his show as part of his farewell tour. Very honored to have worked with such a class-act legend! John Gambling on WOR-710.
March 24, 2020

Who is John Galt? In 1957 Ayn Rand published her final novel, Atlas Shrugged. This magnum opus describing her philosophy of “objectivism” sought to call attention to the danger of socialism and communism and demonstrate the virtues of freedom and capitalism. Rand came to America from Russia following the 1917 communist revolution led by Lenin, which destroyed the social norms.

Who is John Galt? He is the leader of the resistance to the statists of a dystopian United States. Galt has created the intellectual and emotional genesis for unravelling the suffocating government. He has secretly organized leaders of the private corporate society that recognize the power, poor decisions, and destruction caused by incompetent government officials. They seek to withhold their expertise in a strike hoping to crash the power and control of government bureaucrats and their regulations. Rand describes how easily private entities can be coopted by corrupt government officials as they try to maintain their businesses.

John Grambling Hotel Owner

Gambling wrapped up the world’s longest-running family radio dynasty Friday with a flood of mutual admiration, a strong trickle of tears and the Roy Rogers/Dale Evans classic, “Happy. This provided easy access to gambling in East Chicago for customers from Chicago, Hammond, Gary, Michigan City and South Bend. Exchange Street as shown here in 1929 or 1930 was renown for another gambling den, next to one of East Chicago's most popular eateries, 'Hot Dog John's' that opened in 1929.

Who is John Galt? He has designed a motor that can function from static electricity. Ayn Rand based her characters upon individuals she observed. Perhaps Nikola Tesla was one such model, with his motor design and Tesla Coil. Tesla rejected the rigidity of the Edison labs which stifled his innovations.

Why would government officials prevent innovation? One reason is depicted in this book: control of the populace through government power and prevention of individuality. Hank Rearden (perhaps like Andrew Carnegie) is a steel magnate who has developed a new and lighter steel which will make others obsolete. His alloy is rejected by government regulators. Dagny Taggert (perhaps like Cornelius Vanderbilt) runs the family railroad which uses Rearden metal to build her “John Galt” line which is condemned by regulators. Rand admired creative, innovative entrepreneurs as opposed to mediocrities.

John Galt is captured by officials and tortured until rescued by his supporters. Galt’s threat to their power cannot be tolerated by the officials. In China, the communist government refused to acknowledge the danger of the coronavirus. They silenced doctors that tried to warn the world, lied about the virus’ infectivity (human to human), and refused USA CDC professional help. The Chinese government allowed the whistleblower to die. They are the end result of accumulated power by politicos.

John Galt is not perfect, but he takes a stand. Donald Trump is not either. Trump tried to calm the hysteria that the media helped whip up. As he lost control of the narrative, he adapted to the realities and changed the focus to ramp up the national response. Flexibility is his strong suit. Political acumen is another quality that he possesses. His poll numbers have increased due to his handling of this crisis.

Will the coming recession or depression lessen Trump’s re-electoral prospects? He has determined that the health of Americans must come first. John Galt decided his life paled when compared to the health of the nation. His movement must continue if he was lost. Trump has created a movement that must be sustained whether he wins re-election or not. Trump’s leadership on this crisis will be judged in November. Despite this tumult, he will prevail.

In January Trump halted air travel between the U.S. and China. He was excoriated as a racist for this action. This may have been the most important tactic in reducing infectivity. He soon declared a national health emergency. Early on he tried to allay fears by downplaying the seriousness at the time. The press now attacks him for that effort, as sending mixed messages. By mid-February the narrative from the press became alarmist. Parents started withholding their children from school and public events. As March approached, it was apparent that panic was overtaking the nation. Stores found it difficult to stock shelves adequately. This encouraged more fear.

The past three weeks have moved a warp speed. The governors have great control over health care within the states. Since ObamaCare was passed, the financial pressures upon our private health-care system have been enormous. Scarcity of resources can be managed by reduced services and facilities or by increasing the price for these services. As the government takes greater control over our healthcare it places additional pressures to reduce costs (it must pay through taxes). Hence there are now insufficient beds and IC units (with ventilators) to care for the coming COVID-19 burden. This is not Trump’s fault, but the governors that limited operating costs.

Use of the Defense Production Act of 1950 nationalizes industries. Trump (as Galt) prefers to allow voluntary private efforts to be utilized first. If problems arise then the White House can use the DPA to effect change. The press and opposition do not see this since they prefer a statist approach. While for three years the press called Trump a dictator, now they want him to be more dictatorial. There is no getting it right in their eyes.


Governing is a balancing act. Trump became wealthy by innovation. He had some failures along the way and had to shed gambling hotels when there was a downturn in the economy. If one approach fails, then another must be tried. The media questions his judgement and statements regarding the use of masks and trials of medications because they are not flexible or creative. They are the mediocrities that Rand warned about. Mobilizing the federal resources does not mean instantaneous production.

It takes time to move from a normal economy to one geared for warfare. The ability to shift factories from alcoholic beverage production to hand sanitizer may seem easy, but it requires regulatory changes that the White House quickly arranged. So much for governmental control. The same issue concerns building ventilators which is technologically different from automobile production. Again, the White House will facilitate the change.

Trump has desired to devolve centralized power from federal authority to states and localities. During this endeavor he has giving governors freedom to manage their states as suits their circumstances. The federal government functions in a supportive role. When FEMA is activated the agency again supports the localities. The conflict between Democrats and Republicans over the third legislative piece demonstrates this difference where Democrats seek greater influence over economic segments. Eventually a compromise will be reached.

Who is John Galt? My daughter suggested that Donald Trump is John Galt. Donald J. Trump faces a news media that falsely depicts him and American Society, much in the way John Galt was pitted against the anti-capitalist regime in Rand’s manifesto. Just as Galt rose up with the help of ingenious business owners, Trump will do the same to overcome this epidemic. Partnerships with the private sector will give us a positive outcome. In the end he will succeed in reversing the influence of the left, the media, and socialist leadership within the Democratic party. Trump is a determined man.

Who is John Galt? In 1957 Ayn Rand published her final novel, Atlas Shrugged. This magnum opus describing her philosophy of “objectivism” sought to call attention to the danger of socialism and communism and demonstrate the virtues of freedom and capitalism. Rand came to America from Russia following the 1917 communist revolution led by Lenin, which destroyed the social norms.

Who is John Galt? He is the leader of the resistance to the statists of a dystopian United States. Galt has created the intellectual and emotional genesis for unravelling the suffocating government. He has secretly organized leaders of the private corporate society that recognize the power, poor decisions, and destruction caused by incompetent government officials. They seek to withhold their expertise in a strike hoping to crash the power and control of government bureaucrats and their regulations. Rand describes how easily private entities can be coopted by corrupt government officials as they try to maintain their businesses.

Who is John Galt? He has designed a motor that can function from static electricity. Ayn Rand based her characters upon individuals she observed. Perhaps Nikola Tesla was one such model, with his motor design and Tesla Coil. Tesla rejected the rigidity of the Edison labs which stifled his innovations.

Why would government officials prevent innovation? One reason is depicted in this book: control of the populace through government power and prevention of individuality. Hank Rearden (perhaps like Andrew Carnegie) is a steel magnate who has developed a new and lighter steel which will make others obsolete. His alloy is rejected by government regulators. Dagny Taggert (perhaps like Cornelius Vanderbilt) runs the family railroad which uses Rearden metal to build her “John Galt” line which is condemned by regulators. Rand admired creative, innovative entrepreneurs as opposed to mediocrities.

John Galt is captured by officials and tortured until rescued by his supporters. Galt’s threat to their power cannot be tolerated by the officials. In China, the communist government refused to acknowledge the danger of the coronavirus. They silenced doctors that tried to warn the world, lied about the virus’ infectivity (human to human), and refused USA CDC professional help. The Chinese government allowed the whistleblower to die. They are the end result of accumulated power by politicos.

John Galt is not perfect, but he takes a stand. Donald Trump is not either. Trump tried to calm the hysteria that the media helped whip up. As he lost control of the narrative, he adapted to the realities and changed the focus to ramp up the national response. Flexibility is his strong suit. Political acumen is another quality that he possesses. His poll numbers have increased due to his handling of this crisis.

Will the coming recession or depression lessen Trump’s re-electoral prospects? He has determined that the health of Americans must come first. John Galt decided his life paled when compared to the health of the nation. His movement must continue if he was lost. Trump has created a movement that must be sustained whether he wins re-election or not. Trump’s leadership on this crisis will be judged in November. Despite this tumult, he will prevail.

In January Trump halted air travel between the U.S. and China. He was excoriated as a racist for this action. This may have been the most important tactic in reducing infectivity. He soon declared a national health emergency. Early on he tried to allay fears by downplaying the seriousness at the time. The press now attacks him for that effort, as sending mixed messages. By mid-February the narrative from the press became alarmist. Parents started withholding their children from school and public events. As March approached, it was apparent that panic was overtaking the nation. Stores found it difficult to stock shelves adequately. This encouraged more fear.

The past three weeks have moved a warp speed. The governors have great control over health care within the states. Since ObamaCare was passed, the financial pressures upon our private health-care system have been enormous. Scarcity of resources can be managed by reduced services and facilities or by increasing the price for these services. As the government takes greater control over our healthcare it places additional pressures to reduce costs (it must pay through taxes). Hence there are now insufficient beds and IC units (with ventilators) to care for the coming COVID-19 burden. This is not Trump’s fault, but the governors that limited operating costs.

Use of the Defense Production Act of 1950 nationalizes industries. Trump (as Galt) prefers to allow voluntary private efforts to be utilized first. If problems arise then the White House can use the DPA to effect change. The press and opposition do not see this since they prefer a statist approach. While for three years the press called Trump a dictator, now they want him to be more dictatorial. There is no getting it right in their eyes.

Governing is a balancing act. Trump became wealthy by innovation. He had some failures along the way and had to shed gambling hotels when there was a downturn in the economy. If one approach fails, then another must be tried. The media questions his judgement and statements regarding the use of masks and trials of medications because they are not flexible or creative. They are the mediocrities that Rand warned about. Mobilizing the federal resources does not mean instantaneous production.


It takes time to move from a normal economy to one geared for warfare. The ability to shift factories from alcoholic beverage production to hand sanitizer may seem easy, but it requires regulatory changes that the White House quickly arranged. So much for governmental control. The same issue concerns building ventilators which is technologically different from automobile production. Again, the White House will facilitate the change.

Trump has desired to devolve centralized power from federal authority to states and localities. During this endeavor he has giving governors freedom to manage their states as suits their circumstances. The federal government functions in a supportive role. When FEMA is activated the agency again supports the localities. The conflict between Democrats and Republicans over the third legislative piece demonstrates this difference where Democrats seek greater influence over economic segments. Eventually a compromise will be reached.

Who is John Galt? My daughter suggested that Donald Trump is John Galt. Donald J. Trump faces a news media that falsely depicts him and American Society, much in the way John Galt was pitted against the anti-capitalist regime in Rand’s manifesto. Just as Galt rose up with the help of ingenious business owners, Trump will do the same to overcome this epidemic. Partnerships with the private sector will give us a positive outcome. In the end he will succeed in reversing the influence of the left, the media, and socialist leadership within the Democratic party. Trump is a determined man.


John Raymond Gambling[1] (born April 8, 1950) is an American radio personality. He is the son of John A. Gambling and the grandson of John B. Gambling, and as such is, the third-generation host of The Gambling family's very-long-running New York morning radio show. Through most of its run the show has been titled Rambling with Gambling, iterations from 2008 to 2016 were instead branded as The John Gambling Show.


Gambling joined his father as co-host of Rambling with Gambling in 1985, and took over as sole host in 1991 after his father's retirement. When WOR ended Rambling with Gambling in 2000 after 75 years on the air, John R. Gambling moved up the dial to WABC, taking over the post-morning-drive 10 am – noon slot. Gambling was fired by WABC on February 29, 2008 in a cost-cutting move.[2]

On April 30, 2008, WOR announced the return of John R. Gambling to its air waves in his old morning-drive timeslot starting May 5, 2008. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg also moved to WOR, joining Gambling on a one-hour segment, Fridays from 8–9 am.[3] To make room for Gambling, former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's ex-wife Donna Hanover left the station. Politically, Gambling describes himself as a 'moderate conservative'; as such, he differs from the orthodox movement conservatism of most of his former colleagues on WABC.[citation needed]

Michael Bloomberg, the mayor of New York City appeared on Gambling's program each Friday from 8–9 am discussing current issues in the city. After Gambling was terminated, Bloomberg called him 'a class act'.[4] Bloomberg declined to continue to appear on WABC with Curtis Sliwa who took over the time slot, and opted instead to rejoin Gambling on WOR. (As it happens, the financial services company founded by Bloomberg is owner of a different New York station, WBBR, but he has stayed off his own station's airwaves all during his administration in order to avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest.)[citation needed]

John Gambling House Of

On December 20, 2013 John R. Gambling did his last morning show on WOR after announcing his retirement from broadcasting (Gambling was effectively forced out as iHeartMedia purchased the station, and was replaced by the duo of Todd Schnitt and Len Berman). Gambling emerged as a host on AM 970 WNYM from 2014 to 2016; he decided to permanently retire from broadcasting, citing chronic knee problems resulting from an accident.[5] With this, because of the fact that he also had no sons named John to continue a show, the 91-year run of Rambling with Gambling came to an end.


  1. ^'Miss Christine Anna Billhardt Is Bride of John R. Gambling'. The New York Times. August 2, 1970. Retrieved November 4, 2018.
  2. ^Hinckley, David (March 1, 2008). 'WABC Fires John Gambling'. New York Daily News.
  3. ^Hinckley, David (April 30, 2008). 'WOR Bets Again on John Gambling'. New York Daily News.
  4. ^Huff, Richard; Danis, Kirsten (March 6, 2008). 'Radio gig still up in air as Mayor Michael Bloomberg avoids mic'. New York Daily News.
  5. ^http://www.allaccess.com/net-news/archive/story/157769/john-gambling-retires-from-wnym-am-970-the-answer-

John R Gambling House

External links[edit]

John Gambling House

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