Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji), also known as Ultimate Survivor Kaiji, is a Japanese manga series written by Nobuyuki Fukumoto. The first arc of the manga (13 volumes) was adapted into a 26-episode TV anime series called Gyakkyō Burai Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor (逆境無頼カイジ Ultimate Survivor), which began airing in October 2007. In August 2018, it was announced at Otakon that a new North American manga publishing company named Denpa has licensed the first part of the manga, Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji, and it will be released in six omnibus volumes with 500+ pages each one, and the first volume will be published on December 10, 2019. ‎After battling the evil CEO in two-man Mah Jong through the '17 Steps,' Kaiji gets 480 million yen in a huge win! With the echoes of battle still fading in the back ground, the son of the Teiai Group's CEO Kazutaka Hyodo, Kazuya, issues a new challenge to battle!

Startseite » Manga [Englisch] » Denpa » Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji » Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji vol. 1

Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji Volume 1 Episode 1


Von Nobuyuki Fukumoto (Denpa)Apocalypse

One day, ne'er-do-well Kaiji Itou's shiftless existence is suddenly rattled by a visit from the yakuza. Burdened by debt and resentment, Kaiji is coerced into gambling for his worthless life. As the stakes grow higher and the rules become increasingly more bizarre, Kaiji must finally take the future into his own hands!

Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji Volume 1 Walkthrough


Gambling Apocalypse Kaiji Volume 1 Full

Legendary mangaka Nobuyuki Fukumoto finally makes his English-language debut. The inspiration for the infamous anime by the same name and the Netflix live-action film Animal World takes readers into the dark side of Japan's post-bubble economic society by thrusting them into a world of debt, debauchery, and delusion.