The Egyptian War Card Game is a game that involves a little bit of luck along with rewarding quick reaction times. Players are competing to see who can win all of the cards in the deck based on several rules on how to acquire these cards. Poker Runger Russian Crazy Sevens Skat Spades War Whist. The name might be misleading but Egyptian Rat Screw is an action packed card game, not the ancient art of molesting small rodents. It is also known as 'Slaps', 'Beggar My Neighbour', 'Strip Jack Naked' and 'Egyptian War'.

Egyptian Rat Poker Games

Egyptian Ratscrew is similar to war and slap jack. Each player will get cards facedown and be unable to look at them until they are played.

Set Up

You only need a 52 card deck to play. The dealer deals everyone cards facedown until there are no more cards left to deal. No player is allowed to look at their cards.


Egyptian rat poker gamesEgyptian Rat Poker

The first player puts the top card from his pile face up on the field. If it is not a face card the next player tries. The first player to put a face card sets the stage. From then on all players have a specific amount of chances to put down a face up card, specified by the card.

J = 1 Chance Q = 2 chances K = 3 chances Ace = 4 chances

Egyptian Rat Poker Rules

All players take turns trying to put down a face card within the specified amount of draws. The first player to put down a face card gets to pick up the pile. If no one can put down a face card the person who put the original face card gets the pile.

Note: If a player runs out of cards before completing their draw the next player can finish for them and then start their turn. So if you had 3 turns to put down a face card but only had 2 non face cards in your hand the next player can finish by playing 1 more card, then moving on to his turn by playing 3 cards.

Slapping in Egyptian Ratscrew

Putting down a face card isn’t the only way to pick up the pile. You may also pick up the pile by being the first player to slap the pile when one of these patterns comes up.

1. A pair- for example 8,8

Egyptian Rat Poker

2. A sandwich – 1 card in the middle, for example 8 4 8

3. A Chinese Burger – 3 cards in the middle, for example 8 4 5 3 8

4. Top card is the same as the bottom card

Egyptian Rat Poker Play

5. A sequence of 4 – for example 7 8 9 10 You can still slap and pick up cards even if you are out.


You play until 1 player has all of the cards. That player is the winner.

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