
Craps, of course, is a male-dominated game, so we hear the roll of 2-3 is also known as the “waitress roll,” because it’s a “pair and a tray.” Naturally, our list isn’t complete. Names like “boxcars” for 12 have sometimes been replaced with colorful counterparts. You'll often hear 'no-field 5' to distinguish it from the similar-sounding call of '9' (and to remind players and dealers that the field bet is lost). Or 'the aces' or 'the eyes' for a 2. Not necessarily 'common' these days, but there's always 'little Joe form Kokomo' for a 4. You still may hear 'Eighter from Decatur' every once in a great while.

Pass line bet: The most common bet in craps. If the come out roll is a 7 or 11 it wins and loses with a 2, 3 or 12. If the come out roll is a 7 or 11 it wins and loses with a 2, 3 or 12. Any other numbers will establish the point.

They might be saying 'corner'. There's an old bet called the big six-eight that was located on the two corners either side of the stick. I think it didn't pay as well as placing the 6-8, or it was a duplicate, so it gradually went away. I could be wrong.Common craps phrases cheat
If the House lost every hand, they wouldn't deal the game.
I never understood why anyone with a clue would make that even money bet on placing six / eight.
Glad it's gone.
It's 'corner'. It's nearest to the player on the hook (person 3-4 away from stickman and base dealer).
It pays even money. You can either bet the 6, the 8, or both.

They might be saying 'corner'. There's an old bet called the big six-eight that was located on the two corners either side of the stick. I think it didn't pay as well as placing the 6-8, or it was a duplicate, so it gradually went away. I could be wrong.

No, you're spot-on, Babs! I have had computer craps games that would occasionally call 6/8 both a 'corner rug 6/8' and a 'corner red 6/8.' I think the 'red' referred to the fact that the Big 6/Big 8 bets were printed in red on the layout. I have never heard either of these calls in an actual casino.Common Craps Phrases
Like the Field Bet, the Big 6/Big 8 was designed as a self-service bet that is (sort of) self-explanatory to someone unfamiliar to the game. And like the Field, it carries a high edge. Craps layouts make the bad (high HE) bets easy to spot and easy to understand. The better bets are harder to find and/or harder to understand. Heck, the best bet on the table (odds) isn't printed anywhere!
'Dealer has 'rock'... Pay 'paper!'

I never understood why anyone with a clue would make that even money bet on placing six / eight.

I once bet on the Big 6/8 even-money bet. I had forgotten to use a $10 match-play offer that only could be used on even-money payouts. I remembered the match-play offer as I walked past a craps table en route to the parking garage. A roll was in progress, and I didn't have time to play. So I put it on (one of) the 6/8. Don't recall if I won or lost,
As best I recall, casinos still have the Big 6/8 on the layout. Has my memory failed me on such an important question as this? (Perish the thought!)
Disagree. The 6/8 'Corner Red' is mostly gone, and NJ outlawed it on crap tables as usurious.
Haven't seen it in ages.
Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes - Henry David Thoreau. Like Dealers' uniforms - Dan.
'Hey isn't that the guy who used to treat us like shit, not tip and tell us his AP slot was going to take over the casinos and put us out of jobs?'

Disagree. The 6/8 'Corner Red' is mostly gone, and NJ outlawed it on crap tables as usurious.
Haven't seen it in ages.

I just saw it on a cruise ship a few weeks ago. Norwegian Getaway.
This is a little off topic, but speaking of the 8 and 6 bets, I heard recently a story of the original of the term 86, as in to kick somebody out of somewhere in an informal way and not told not to return.
As I was told, the term comes from when organized crime controlled Vegas. To '86' someone meant to take them 8 miles out of town and bury them 6 feet deep.
Can anyone confirm or deny? The source that it comes from strikes me as someone who would be quick to believe an urban legend, but some stories ARE true.

Common Craps Phrases Cheat

It's not whether you win or lose; it's whether or not you had a good bet.

Common Craps Phrases For Beginners

I have heard it was a term used in bars.When someone was drunk they would give them 86 proof whiskey instead of the 100 proof.
Though I admit that doesn't seem to be much of a deterrent.
I have heard the Version you said also.

Common Craps Phrases List

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